Light into the dark:
Everything you want to know about ozone therapy

Ozone therapy may well be medicine’s best kept secret. Although Nikola Tesla developed the first ozone generator already in 1896 and the first ozone therapies as we practice them today, have been performed since the 1960ies, few know about the benefits of this healing method. Dr. Michaela Cornehl is an expert in Ozone High Dose Therapy (OHT), which as well has already been developed by the Austrian doctor, Dr. Lahodny, over a decade ago. Dr. Cornehl practices in Vienna and Hamburg. In this conversation with the journalist Elisabeth Sereda, she lifts the veil on this powerful healing technique:

How did you come to specialize in ozone?

Dr. Michaela Cornehl in ihrer Praxis in Wien, die auf Ozontherapie spezialisiert istDr. Cornehl: For many years I have been involved with the fascinating methods of naturopathy. I have always strived to treat physical imbalances causally, so that the body can return to its full strength and inner beauty by its own power.
In this context, I have dealt a lot with meditation, influence of stress and bad nutrition on human health. Nevertheless, despite many trainings, no method seriously convinced me. One day, when I myself got symptoms of Lyme disease and tried a lot of things, none of which were successful, I came across ozone therapy by chance.

I was overwhelmed and enthusiastic about the speed, effectiveness and intensity of the healing, so I started to look more into ozone therapy. A short time later I decided to open a practice specialized in ozone therapy.

When the layman hears the word ozone, he associates it with ‘gas’, ‘ozone hole in summer’ – terms that do not necessarily have positive connotations – what exactly is ozone therapy?

Dr. Cornehl: In fact, of course, the therapy has nothing to do with the bad  climate values in the air. Ozone therapy is an ancient biological and very effective healing method, in which the body – in this case the blood – is brought into contact with a gas-mixture of ozone and oxygen.

The resulting ozonides have many healing properties that help the body to regenerate and regain its strength. The healing properties of ozone have been known since the time of Nikola Tesla, who is also the inventor of the first ozone device. This ozone therapy has experienced an enormous renaissance over the last few years. Especially through new modern ozone devices, therapies as we know them today, have only become possible.

Why is ozone so healing?

Dr. Cornehl: Nowadays we are exposed to many negative influences such as stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and various environmental influences. Often, we are also exposed to bacterial and viral loads. We notice that our bodies no longer function as they once did. We can no longer cope with the demands of life. Many people feel increasingly exhausted and can’t handle their daily workload, or actually get sick more often than they used to. Fortunately, through ozone therapy, we have a simple and effective method to help us with the health challenges our bodies face in modern living. Ozone kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites in the body when it comes in contact with blood. It strengthens the immune system and improves the flow properties of our blood. Another effect is the improved utilization of oxygen in  our cells, which are renewed, so that a kind of renewal of the body can take place. These are very diverse strength-enhancing effects that strengthen the immune system and lead to the fact that ozone can be used so widely.

What are the types of applications?

Dr. Cornehl: At Litara Healing we rely mainly on Ozone High Dose Therapy (OHT) according to Dr. Lahodny, who invented this method, out of conviction. However, there are also other applications such as the infusion of ozonized saline solution or the rectal application, which we are happy to perform with the utmost care. Litara Healing is one of the very few practices where we offer all versions of ozone therapy.
How does an OHT treatment proceed? Approximately 200 ml of blood is taken from you via a venous access in the arm (as with a normal infusion) in a closed tube system with the aid of a state-of-the-art ozone device from the Herrmann company and drawn up into a heparinized vacuum bottle. There, the blood is brought into contact with the oxygen-ozone mixture and returned to the body through the same access. This process is repeated 10 times. And it takes about an hour.

What is the difference between high dose and normal ozone therapy?

Dr. Cornehl: We are convinced that high dose ozone therapy is the most effective ozone therapy. Sometimes it is nevertheless necessary to resort to alternative ozone treatments, e.g. if someone has bad veins – good, visible veins are a prerequisite for this type of treatment – and direct treatment of the blood is therefore not possible.

When to use the OHT? For whom is it suitable?

Dr. Cornehl: Due to the multiple effects of ozone, the therapy can be used in a broad-spectrum supportive manner. It is excellent for the prevention of diseases and strengthening of people, especially older people who want to keep fit as a precaution, but also those who are exposed to high physical stress, such as athletes or managers. But equally in the case of minor or serious illnesses, it can significantly support and improve the course of recovery, as I have seen it myself with my Lyme disease.

What is the active healing effect of ozone?

Dr. Cornehl: The ozone leads to an optimization of the functionalities of the body in many places. On the one hand, as I have already mentioned, bacteria, viruses and fungi are removed from the system and thus the immune system is relieved. At the same time, the flow properties of the blood are also improved, so that even the smallest veins and arterioles are supplied with blood again. Improvements have been noted in tinnitus, cardiovascular diseases, postinfectious fatigue, where patients simply regain their strength more quickly. The list of positive effects is very long.

Can ozone therapy be used in or after serious illnesses such as cancer, post-covid etc.?

Dr. Cornehl: Ozone therapy can be used for most diseases and medical conditions. How the individual reacts to it or how quickly he notices an improvement is not predictable, because we are all different. Nevertheless, experience shows that even very severe diseases can be influenced very positively. Disease progression can be favored, severe infectious conditions in diabetes, such as a diabetic foot can be significantly improved and cured by OHT.

How long does an OHT last?

Dr. Cornehl: Usually, a treatment lasts between 45-60 minutes, depending on how good the veins are and how well the blood flows. That´s why it is important you come well hydrated to the treatment.

How many treatments do I need?

Dr. Cornehl: Each person is unique and each body goes through an individual regeneration process. To what extent, how quickly and at which point the ozone causes the improvement of the oxygen and metabolic situation in the cells and thus in the body, is therefore not predictable. Nevertheless, a noticeable change can often be seen after just 2 to 3 sessions.
However, in most cases, depending on your time constraints, we recommend 5 to 10 sessions at approximately 1 to 2 appointments per week.

Will the effect last forever? Since our exposure to environmental factors, sleep deficiency, etc. is usually permanent, the best way to support and maintain the positive effect is to repeat 2-3 sessions approximately every 6 months, depending on the disease or stress.

Is ozone therapy a scientifically recognized method and is the treatment reimbursed by health insurance companies?

Dr. Cornehl: Even though medical treatment with ozone has been used successfully for very many years and is an absolutely safe procedure, it is a method that is not scientifically recognized by the authorities. Therefore, it is of great importance to us, at Litara Healing, to inform and educate clients comprehensively, so that they feel comfortable to voluntarily make a convinced decision for themselves. Regular health insurers usually do not reimburse the treatments. However, private supplementary insurers sometimes cover up to 100% of the services.

What is special about Litara Healing?

Dr. Cornehl: In my experience and conviction, the positive effects of ozone therapy can be further enhanced in a pleasant, congenial atmosphere. Accordingly, our therapy rooms are aligned according to principles of Feng Shui and equipped with energetic high vibration crystals. During your therapy, you can immerse yourself in worlds of sound and let me guide you into deep relaxation or body journey. These body journeys enable you to experience
the effects of the therapy even more intensively and to establish a new contact with your body. With us you can experience a very special kind of healing. And the best: After the therapy you are rested and refreshed.

What is particularly important to you?

Dr. Cornehl: Personally, modern medicine is mostly too hectic and fast-paced for me. I place a lot of value on mindfulness and the seriousness to really support people on their path to healing. This includes taking enough time for clients and having an open ear for their issues. For true healing every aspect of the person is important.

Do you use the therapy on yourself as well?

Dr. Cornehl: Oh yes, absolutely! I would say I am my best client. I treat myself on average once a week and I glow from inside and outside.

How has ozone changed their lives?

Dr. Cornehl: I can no longer imagine my life without ozone. My health is of a tremendous stability, I can easily cope with large and strenuous tasks and I am more concentrated and focused than ever before.

Do you have any final words?

Dr. Cornehl: I believe that everyone should have access to ozone therapy and have it performed on them. At first, it is certainly an investment in time and money. However, one becomes increasingly more stable and stronger. Our body manages its workload again and we become less ill. A fantastic feeling that everyone can experience for themselves!
The worst thing that can happen is that you look even younger and even more beautiful than before!