Das ist die Tabelle/Liste:

Der Shortcode dieser Tabelle/Liste ist:
[tabelle name="Benefits"]

So sieht die Tabelle/Liste aus in voller Breite:

Antibacterial effects

Antifungal effects (fungi)

Antiviral effects

Activation of the immune system

Improvement of cellular respiration (mitochondrial function)

Activation of stem cells

Activation of Nrf2 (inhibits cell-damaging effects of oxidative stress)

Tabelle in halber Spaltenbreite:

Antibacterial effects

Antifungal effects (fungi)

Antiviral effects

Activation of the immune system

Improvement of cellular respiration (mitochondrial function)

Activation of stem cells

Activation of Nrf2 (inhibits cell-damaging effects of oxidative stress)