Das ist die Tabelle/Liste:

Der Shortcode dieser Tabelle/Liste ist:
[tabelle name="Contraindicate"]

So sieht die Tabelle/Liste aus in voller Breite:

Acute or pronounced hyperthyroidism

Acute infarction of the heart or brain

Acute alcohol abuse



Restrictions of liver and kidney function

Blood coagulation disorders (exclusion for OHT)

Allergy to heparin (exclusion for OHT)

Allergy to ozone (very rare)

Pronounced fungal infections (very rare)

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (also known as favism, a very rare condition diagnosed no later than young adulthood)

Tabelle in halber Spaltenbreite:

Acute or pronounced hyperthyroidism

Acute infarction of the heart or brain

Acute alcohol abuse



Restrictions of liver and kidney function

Blood coagulation disorders (exclusion for OHT)

Allergy to heparin (exclusion for OHT)

Allergy to ozone (very rare)

Pronounced fungal infections (very rare)

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (also known as favism, a very rare condition diagnosed no later than young adulthood)